

Starting the morning off right...

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So I got up this morning and let Vader outside first thing like I normally do. He always goes pee right away but sometimes he won’t go poop right away so I just bring him back inside and let him go back to sleep with Phil. When Phil got up I asked him to take him outside again because he still needed to go poop. Apparently he didn’t understand and he didn’t take him outside. Vader must have been mad at us because we didn’t take him back outside so guess where he decides to poop? Well, let’s just say this, I went to sit down on the couch to say goodbye to the pups, all dressed up in my cute brown pants, ready to leave for work and guess what I sat on? Yes, it was poop. Still warm and mushy. Cool! Now I have to run and change my pants and I have to put on khakis that are too tight because I had nothing else to wear that would match my shirt. You are probably thinking I should have just changed my shirt too but you don’t realize that it takes me like forever to pick out just one outfit! Now I’m forced to find another one?! No way! I put on the tight pants, made Phil clean up the couch while I rinsed the poop off my pretty brown pants so they didn’t reek up the entire house. Now I’m sitting at work wishing it were already over.


Rachel said...

That gives a whole new title to "poopy pants" :)

Sarah said...

Well, tha sure is crappy.