

My weekend!

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On Friday Phil and I went to my Mom's house to visit her and my sister, Jakielynn. She lives about 3 hours away. We left at the wrong time because we hit traffic bad. I think it took us probably four and a half yours to get there with stopping twice! The fact that it was Labor day weekend probably didn't help much either! So we got there at about 7:30 at night and hung out and had some dinner. I was exhausted from the stressful drive so we ended up going to bed by 10 pm! I spent the next morning playing with my beautiful sister. She is almost 8 months old now! My mom was 45 when she got pregnant with her. She was obviously an oops but a perfect oops!!! She was a little blessing for all of us. :)

After we lounged around for half the morning we decided to go find some garage sales! I hit the jackpot! I found 3 shirts, a book holder, a jewelry box, a cute jar and a pair of shoes all for just $3!!! The shoes were brand new, never worn and they were .25! I also found a really pretty coffee table for only $75 but I wouldn't have had a way to get it home or a place to put it when I got home! So it stayed at the garage sale... :(

Well, that was my weekend! Now we are relaxing at home and enjoying the rest of the weekend off of work. :) Here are some pics of Jackielynn.


1:57 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Ten Years Ago: I was 12 years old, living in Baldwin and was in the 7th grade at Viking Middle School.

My To-Do List Today: 1. fold the laundry; 2. make some dinner; 3. relax!!!

Snack that I Enjoy: Nips! Only the kind with the chocolate in the center though.

Things I Would Do if I was a Millionaire: *Pay off all bills and debt. *Build a house out in the country. *Get a golden retriever. *Help out my friends and family with their debt.

Places I've Lived: Baldwin, WI (my parent’s house); Hudson, WI (apartment); Baldwin, WI (Phil’s parent’s house); Baldwin, WI (duplex with Phil)

Tag! You're It!

A blast from the past!

1:43 PM Posted In Edit This 2 Comments »
First of all, let me tell you a little about my boyfriend. He likes to buy random crap and take it apart and make it do something it wasn't made to do. It's one of his hobbies. He is really smart and he surprises me sometimes with the weirdest things he comes up with!

So the other day he wanted to buy a scooter at Walmart because it was like 65% off and he wanted to take it apart and make a bike or something out of it. Now at first when he told me about his "plan" I didn't really care. I said "hunny, it's your money and it is your hobby, do what you want." It didn't take long because on Friday it ended up in our driveway. When he got home he asked me if I wanted to take it for a spin. I gave in and said "ok, lets do it". I got on and started cruising around and it was a blast!!! Now keep in mind that this scooter isn't really for adults. It is more for children so I look pretty funny driving it around. Not quite as funny as he looked though! The thing only goes about 15 miles per hour with me on it but it is still a blast! So now after I got to drive the thing all over, I don't want him to take it apart and ruin it! I want him to beef it up and make it go faster!!! It reminds me of my childhood. Brings back memories of my brother and I cruising around on our 4 wheelers all summer long. He is not sure what he wants to do with it yet but I'm going to take advantage of it until it works no more!

A little about me and my life

10:38 AM Edit This 1 Comment »
Finally I bring some photos to my blog! I will probably talk about these people and dogs a lot so here are some pictures so you can see who I'm talking about!

My dad and I at Christmas last year (obviously, there is a christmas tree behind us).
This is my mom, my sister, and I. My mom lives about 3 and a half hours away so I don't get to see her as much as I'd like. :(
My boyfriend and I at my friend's wedding (I was a bridesmaid).
Here is my dog Precious. She is in need of a haircut desperately!
This is Vader (NOT as in Darth Vader!!!) He is Precious' baby. There were two puppies in the litter but Fiona didn't make it out alive. :(
This is my kitty Isabelle (she likes to hang out in bags, boxes, or whatever is there). She is living at her Grandmothers (my boyfriend's mom) at the moment because she likes to go outside a lot and we only live in a Duplex at the moment. My boyfriend's mom lives out in the country so she can roam around all she wants. But, Phil (the boyfriend) and I are going to be buying a house out in the country someday soon so we will have her back!
These are the best friends in the whole world! I consider them to be my family. We made a promise that we wouldn't loose touch after high school and we haven't! We try to hang out every Monday night. We typically just hang out at each other's houses and when we have money, we like to go out and do stuff. From right to left we have: Jewells, Rachel, Josh and myself!
This is us being us! We are a funny group!I love these girls!

new blogger!

4:05 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
Well I've never started a blog before so this is all new to me! I actually don't really know what I'm doing. I have never even read a blog until my friend Jewells got one. After she got a blog she kept twisting my finger to start one so she finally gets her wish! Here it is Jewells! I think she just wanted me to start one so she would have some more entertainment while she is at work. I sat here thinking of a name for my blog for about 10 minutes and then it just popped into my head. I'm not even sure where it came from!

So what am I supposed to talk about on here? Do I talk about myself? What I did during the day? Well, I guess I can start there! I spent almost my whole day at work folding client's bills and stuffing them in envelopes. It was getting very old after a couple of hours of doing it. I'm sure you would say the same if you had to do it! I didn't even get them all done! That means that the poor people who will be getting these bills will just have to wait another day! I work at a law office so some of the bills can be quite high! As I'm folding and stuffing I kinda feel bad for the person on the other end! I have always wondered what people think when they mail you your energy bill or your internet bill. Do they feel sorry for you like I do? Or do they laugh at the fact that you have to give them money. Or I guess they just don't think anything... but what is the fun in that!

Well, it's time to go make some dinner! My boyfriend is getting annoyed at me because I'm not helping him pick out something to make. He is probably more annoyed at the fact that I want him to cook it! haha