

Where's my good luck charm?

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Good morning... Or it is supposed to be. I tried to start my day off right and everything was going well until we were ready to leave for work. I went out to start my car and it wouldn’t start. I forgot to grab something from my car and I went back out to get it and tried again to start my car. On the third try, it finally gave in and started. Phew! I was releived! I didn't want to have to take Phil's car to work because I haven't drove a stick in probably 5 years. Now, we are ready to leave for work and I back down the driveway like I always do and CRASH! I backed right into the garbage can and lost my passanger side mirror. COOL! My beautiful car is now not so beautiful. We were running very late so we had no time to tape it together and the whole way down the freeway we hear knocking on the window as it bangs against it. Very annoying. So now I'm here at work, hoping the day turns around. I must say that it's been a pretty tough week. I will get to see my friends on Saturday night so that should cheer me up! :) I miss my friends... :(