

Roller Coaster of HELL

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So lately I feel like my world is crashing down around me. I can’t really go into details here but let me just tell you that the situation is NOT pretty. I’m on the worst frickin roller coaster I have ever been on and I want to get off and I’m forced to stay on. I cannot give up and I cannot ignore the situation. I am completely emotionally spent. To top it off, Phil and I got in a fight about something completely different last night. We went and looked at a house that I love for the 3rd time, with my father, a guy who builds houses, and his mother. The “inspection” went really well. There are some things that are wrong with the house (obviously, it is almost 45 years old) but they are all very minor things. Everything that would cost a butt load of money is in great condition. This made me fall in love with the house even more. I was ready to put in an offer and get it inspected by a professional. I was hoping Phil was on the same page and guess what… he wasn’t. Surprise, surprise. So now I’m completely devastated. I have this horrible situation going on with my family and now I find out that we are most likely not going to get the house I love. I guess it is still an “option” for Phil and he wants to keep it on our list but he wants to look elsewhere because there may be something better out there. He says that the more he looks at it, the more he doesn’t like it. I’m the opposite. My guess is that this house will be swept up rather soon and it will be gone forever. :( Sad. But, I just need to keep reminding myself that this is the least of my worries right now and I need to shift my focus away from this right now. God, just when you think something good can happen, everything in life takes a full 180. The only thing I have to look forward to is Saturday morning because I’m going to spend a little time with my aunt Laura. I have been speaking with my family a hell of a lot over the last week and it is quite pathetic to see what it takes for us to all talk on the phone. If this “situation” wasn’t happening, I wouldn’t be talking to them until the next holiday or grad party and we definitely wouldn’t be randomly spending time together. PATHETIC! I guess you can look at the positives in this, I am closer to my family more now than ever before.

P.S. I miss my friends. :-(


Lynsie said...

:( I'm sorry Jessie. I hope everything turns out ok. Its good to see that you're trying to see the positives out of these situations though.