

Vent Day!

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Oh gosh, there are so many things to vent about today (probably because I’m a cranky large pregnant woman).  I could vent about the fact that my body aches constantly now.  My hips hurt, my back hurts, the muscles in my lower abdomen hurt. 

I can vent about the fact that I’m not sure what I do most at night: 1. Sleep; 2. Go to the bathroom; or 3. Flip over and over trying to get comfortable. 

I could vent about the fact that I have zero energy.  After waking up in the morning and getting ready all I can think about is finally getting in the car so I can just sit down.  I could use a nap or two to get me through the day.  Too bad that’s not an option.  You would think this pure exhaustion would help me sleep at night…

I could vent about the fact that my husband still has not bought a new ‘used’ car.  We’ve been talking about him buying a new car for at least 9 months now.  You see, he drives a 2 seater and it’s a POS and could breakdown at any moment.  Obviously he can’t drive the baby around in a 2 seater.  But has he purchased a new car yet?  Nope.  Baby is due in a month and he’s still driving that POS.  I’m so freaking sick of having that conversation with him.  Just thinking about bringing it up again makes me want to vomit.  Maybe I’ll just never bring it up again and see what happens.  Let’s take a guess… will he step up to the plate on his own and buy a new car?  Or will he still be driving the POS months after the baby is born.  My gut feeling is leaning towards the later.

I could also vent about the fact that St. Croix Tree Service’s truck drivers are pieces of shit.  Every freaking day they pull out in front of someone.  I’m NOT kidding you or over-exaggerating.  I either see them pull out in front of someone up ahead of me or they pull out in front of me every morning or evening.  It’s not like they pull out and you have to eventually slow down because they are going slower than you.  They actually pull out in front of you and make you slam on your brakes.  In fact, one pulled out in front of me this morning.  They don’t give two shits and I’m not going to lie, I am starting to get to the point where I want to call and complain about them.  I never call and complain about shit like this but it’s seriously pissing me off. 

Ah, I feel slightly better.