

11 Weeks!

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I'm a day late. I'm not going to lie, this may happen from time to time. Reason for my lateness this week is because Phil and I were in Arizona until this morning. That's another blog for another day. I am happy to report that I've been feeling much better in the morning sickness department. I was quite worried about going to AZ and feeling sick and tired most of the time. I'm actually quite proud of myself. We were busy all day, everyday we were there and I barely had any morning sickness. I also did pretty good with the exhaustion. Don't get me wrong, I was tired but we still did everything that we wanted to do. I just slept like a rock at night. :)

Our little bean is now the size of a fig which is about 2 inches long. Our little bean is busy growing hair follicles, fingernails, and ovaries (if she's a girl). The little bean has distinct human characteristics now, with hands and feet in front of his body, with ears nearly in their final shape, open nasal passages on the tip of his tiny nose, a tongue and palate in the mouth, and visible nipples.

I had my first doctor's appointment the day before we left for Arizona. I wasn't quite sure what to expect. The appointment took forever. First we waited in the waiting room for a while and two Jessicas were called while we were sitting there. I felt so stupid getting up and then realizing there was another Jessica. They should really call your first and last names... dumb. Anyways. I met our doctor for the first time and I really liked him. I picked him because I didn't want a midwife and a few of my friends have used him and are currently using him again and really liked him. We got to hear our little bean's heartbeat! It was 172. Doc said that doesn't mean anything gender wise. haha It took him a few minutes to find the heartbeat and I started to get really nervous. But once he found it a big grin came across our faces. What a cute little bean! It all seems so much more real now that we've heard the heartbeat. I can't wait to meet him/her!