

And we decided on house #......

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So tomorrow night is the big night! We are putting in our first offer ever on a house! We are really excited about it but also scared to death. I’m trying not to get too excited and trying not to think about the decorating yet because it might not happen. If I get too excited and I have too many plans in my head than I’ll be crushed if it falls through. I’m guessing you are wondering which house we decided to put an offer on... We are going with House #2! Surprising? We both love each home but this one makes more sense for us right now. If we get it I think we will be very happy there! :-) I’m not sure how long this all takes since it is a short sale but we are putting in the offer Tuesday night. I think there is a good chance we won’t get the house because of the liens and such on it but we are just going to hope for the best and try! Hopefully my next post will be that we got the house!

Here is a picture of the house. Isn't it cute!!!