


10:29 AM Posted In , , , Edit This 2 Comments »
Lets start off by saying that I had an EXCELLENT time this weekend with my girls! On Saturday we went to the Mall of America to do a little shopping. Well, I guess I should say a lot of shopping since we were probably there for a good 7 hours. I bought 3 pairs of pants, 4 shirts, a new pair of shoes and some new undies. I think that’s all… I’m wearing my new shoes today. :) Three of the new shirts I bought I have to wait until it gets warmer out to wear… Poo… I like to wear all my new stuff right away! But I guess I’d rather not be cold at work.

After our wonderful day of shopping we went out dancing. We all had a good ol time! :-) I wish I wouldn’t have drank the last drink though. I woke up with a slight hangover. Plus my knees and legs hurt sooo bad the next morning! I am very badly out of shape. :( That is the next thing I think I’ll work on. Since I have a desk job, it is hard to keep the weight off. And since the weather has been so crappy and cold, I haven’t gone on a nice long walk since last fall! I have tried a few different workouts but nothing has seemed to work. Any ideas?

Phil and I had a talk about buying a house. We have had this talk many times before and it always ends badly. This time however, it didn’t! It actually went pretty good. I told him that I wanted to go talk to a realtor and see what we could afford right now and look at some houses. He is still pretty iffy about buying a house right now but he said he wouldn’t mind talking to a realtor and seeing what we can come up with for monthly payments. I know we could afford to buy a house right now and I think if he talked to the realtor he would believe me. I think that if I get him to look at some houses, he will probably get excited about it. Plus, sometimes it takes a while to find a house. Our lease isn’t up until November but it might take that long to find a house that we really like. Does anyone know of any good realtors? We thought of starting with Westconsin Credit Union because we both bank there. We don’t know anything about mortgage loans and all that stuff so we don’t want to get screwed. We want someone who will be honest with us. Honesty... does that even exist in the real estate business?

Phil and I decided to start having a date night every Friday night because we want to put some more “excitement” into our relationship. We have been doing the same old thing everyday for the last couple years and it was getting old. We rarely went out on “dates” and we got use to sitting at home all weekend. However, I don’t want our date night to be the same thing every Friday night. I need some more ideas of some things we can do. We can obviously go out to eat and go to the movies but what other fun things can we do that don’t cost too much money? Once summer comes it will be easier to find things to do but for now I’m stumped! HELP!

This weekend my Mom and little sister are coming to visit! I’m so excited to see them! I haven’t seen them since Christmas. I guess JackiLynn has learned to walk and she likes to talk a lot too, even though she is the only one who understands what she’s saying. She will be so much fun! I will be sure to take lots of pictures!
Well, that is all until next time. :-)


Sarah said...

I have the same problem with my weight right now since I'm not up and moving anymore :( Workouts are always so boring for me! I was thinking that the best option would be to enroll in dance classes, that would be fun & could also serve as exercise.

Unknown said...

A dance class sounds like so much fun! But I don't have the money or time for it... :( I guess I'll just be fat.