

My dreams are crushed.....

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So my dreams have been crushed once again… I have always been that type of person who has big dreams and high hopes for the future. I basically have my life planned out for myself already. I always said that I wanted a house by the time I was 22, wanted to be married by the time I was 23, wanted to start having kids by the time I was 26, etc, etc. (You get the point). Well, I’m 23 and I do NOT own my own house yet, I’m NOT married. I’m not even engaged yet. WTF… It has been 6 years in May and I’m not even engaged yet! WTF is up with that? Anyways, that is the least of my worries right now. First I want to get the house and that is not going my way right now. Phil and I had a talk a couple weeks ago about talking to lenders and starting to look for a house. The talk went very well so of course I get all excited and start doing my research and all that jazz right away! Two or three weeks go by and we finally have our first meeting with a lender. The meeting itself went pretty good. He said we are pre-approved and we can basically start looking for a house. He showed us two different loans that he thought would work for us. On one loan we would need a 3.5% down payment and the other we wouldn’t need any down payment. Phil liked the loan with the 3.5% down payment because otherwise we would be tacking another $6,000 to our loan if we didn’t have a down payment. That’s completely fine with me. After the meeting though we got into a huge, huge fight and long story short, he crushed my hopes of buying a house soon. He wanted to have 10% down payment plus extra money for a cushion in case something happened. I wanted no down payment and a house NOW. After two hours of arguing we finally came to a compromise. I would save my half of the down payment (which would be about $2,500 for a $150,000 house) and then we would start looking for a house. He of course has his half of the down payment plus a lot more so we are just waiting on me. I told him that once I get my half, we will start to look and he CANNOT go back on his word. He is very fussy about having a security blanket to fall back on and I obviously won’t have that. Once I have my half we will start looking and he cannot go back on his word just because I don’t have a security blanket in my savings. So the question is how long will it take me to save that much money? I have $550 saved already. Only $2,000 more to go! I would LOVE to get my half as soon as possible because I would want to buy a house before our lease is up in November and also before the free $8,000 from the government goes away in December. (That would be a pretty nice security blanket in case something happened.) Anyways, I just felt like bitching a little.


Lynsie said...

O jessie i'm soo sorry. :( That sucks. Of course its nice if you can put money down but really whats the sense. Then you can save your money and pay it off monthly. Hopefully everything will work out for you guys ... you'll have your house someday.

Sarah said...

At least you guys came to a comprimise. I was just thinking - have you ever thought about going to one of those home auctions where you can get a house for much cheaper?
No worries, you're only 23, that's very young! You have plenty of time. Just think of all of the people out there that are about 30 and are just getting married/having kids.

Rachel said...

I think that it is a good thing to save for a down payment. It may be a pain, but it will save you so so much in interest by just putting 5000 down. And it won't take you long to save your portion. And you should still start looking now, you never know how long it will take you to find a house you like!

Unknown said...

I keep telling Phil that we should start looking now even though I don't have my half of the down payment because it may take us 6 months or longer to find a house we love! He thinks that we will find one right away and we will be sad because we can't make an offer because I don't have my half yet. So secretly I'm still looking on the interent.... shhh