


3:52 PM Posted In , , , Edit This 2 Comments »
Life is complicated. That is one thing I know to be true! When I think about the future my mind goes a million miles per hour. There are so many things that I want to do and accomplish. One major thing on my mind right now is MONEY! That is probably one of the top 5 things on everyones mind isn't it! I don't feel like I need to be rich to have happiness or anything but I wish that I could feel secure and not have to worry month to month about paying the bills! I want to be able to buy a house within a year and I don't think that can happen with my budget and my income. The longer I can't afford a house, the longer I am going to waste my money away on rent! I don't think I can get a better job right now unless I go back to school OR I wait it out at my job and hope to get a promotion. That is a tough choice that I don't know how to make. What should I do? Should I spend a ton of money and go back to college and get a degree as a paralegal? OR should I work for a couple years where I am at and hope to get a promotion from a receptionist to a paralegal? The second choice would be a gamble but I know it can be done if I work hard and someone else quits. "sigh" I've been going back and forth on that for a while and still don't know what to do...


Jessie said...

I think you should get your degree, then you wouldn't be stuck just at that job, you could get a job at any law office

Sarah said...

I agree with Jessie. If you don't go to school you might end up regreting it later down the road especially if you need to switch offices, or that promotion never comes.