

Very Irritating

4:08 PM Posted In , , Edit This 1 Comment »
Don't you hate it when you are reading a really good book and you finally get to the good part, the "sex" scene, and you get interrupted and can't go back to the book until many hours later that night! Well, that is what happened to me yesterday. I was reading my book (Perfect by Judith McNaught) on my lunch break and I was so excited to finally get to the sex scene. Right when I got to the good part I looked up at the clock and noticed that I had to go back to work! Then when I finally get home that night and started to read my book again, the boyfriend decides he wants attention and he interrupts me! Can't a women get a little "me" time here!? So I paid some attention to him and then told him to go away. So I finally get back to my book and then the dogs start up. Now I'm interrupted for the 3rd time! They come bring me their loudest toy that rattles and they shake it right on top of me until I throw it for them. Obviously, when I throw it they come back for more. "sigh" Maybe I will get some peace and quiet tonight?


Rachel said...

I hate it when this happens too! Brad did the same thing last night to me. stupid boys!