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I have decided to grow some balls and start P90X. I was flipping through the channels on Sunday morning and a P90X commercial came on and it got me pumped! I’ve been doing Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred and it is getting boring and I’ve wanted to do something new for a while now. I’ve always been scared of P90X and I think the most scary thing is that it takes a lot of time (around an hour a day). But, there is exactly 94 days until Phil and I get married and I want to be in the best shape of my life when we get married (a little goal of mine) so it seems kind of perfect. I thought I started it yesterday by doing the first video, shoulders and back. However, I just went online to see the “schedule” on what DVDs you should do and in what order (there are 12 DVDS) and I did not start with the right DVD. I guess there are three different workout plans you can do. I decided to do the P90X Lean workout plan. This plan has more cardio and less weight resistance training. This seems perfect for me since I don’t want to end up like an unattractive muscle woman (not that I would anyways I’m sure, but you know...). So I guess I start the plan on Tuesday. I really hope I can do this every day (except Mondays – I’m giving myself a day off). I don’t want to start and give up right away. If I can finish the 30 day shred then I can do P90X right? I only wish I could get Phil to do it with me…


Sarah said...

Good luck with that! I wish that I had the motivation to exercise more. Why can't I just be fit from my job? I know that I'mm probably be wearing a coverup in a couple of weeks for tubing!

Lynsie said...

Good luck. The workouts are hard at first but seriously they get better as you do them. The hardest thing for me was finding an hour everyday 6 days a week. If you can do that, I'm sure you can do it!!
I'm suprised that Phil wouldn't do it with you... it's more of a man workout. Ha. Whatever Josh rarely works out with me.

Unknown said...

Sarah - shoosh, you look great!!

Loin muffin - I talked Phil into doing it w/me! Well, kinda. I'm doing the lean workout and he is doing the classic. So, he is downstairs doing his while I'm upstairs doing mine. It's nice that he is doing it "with me" because it gets me more pumped to keep going.

Lynsie said...

That's nice!!! I just did the classic with Josh. It serously doesn't bulk ya up to bad...or at least it didn't for me when I did it a month sraight. That's cool. You'll have to do some before and after photos!! :)