

Best buds

11:36 AM Posted In , Edit This 2 Comments »

Alright, I know that all I blog about lately is Winston - but who couldn't! He is just too damn cute for his own good. I have had Winston's brother, Mister, over at our house since Monday. They have basically been inseparable since Mister came over. Mister is the bigger pup and as the older, larger sibling I think that Mister thinks that he needs to teach Winston how to get into trouble. Since he has come to stay he has taught Winston new places in the yard to go (out of my sight of course) and new things to chew on (like the bushes). I'm not very happy about him chewing on the bushes since we only have a few. The few bushes are the ONLY living things in our yard - we have no trees. So, I would like to keep what we have! Mister has also taught Winston to go under the bed to play. This will be bad some day in the near future when he gets stuck because he is just too big to go under there. I'm not quite sure how he fits now! All-in-all it has been fun having Mister stay with us. The only problem is having to clean up after two puppies instead of just one. Winston and I will sure miss Mister when he leaves this weekend! But Phil, Asterix, Vader and Precious will all be happier once he is gone.


Lynsie said...

omg that is such a cute pic of them. They're adorable. :)

Caitlin said...

How cute is that stinking picture!!!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!??!!?!?!