Chop, Chop
8:00 AM Posted In hair , Mother's Day ring Edit This 0 Comments »
After much debate I finally decided to chop my hair
off. I had been growing it out for the last 3 ½ years and it was pretty
dang long. Most days I was putting it up
in a bun because I just don’t have time in the morning to mess with it. Well, it was getting too long for the bun and
started looking dumb with that too. So,
what’s the point of having long hair if I barely wear it down? Plus I just needed a change. So, yesterday I chopped it off on my lunch
hour. She cut 11+ inches off and I donated
it. It felt really good to donate my
hair! I wonder who will get to enjoy it... Maybe every 3 ½ years I’ll chop it and donate
it. :)
Grow it, chop it, grow it, chop it.
Fun stuff! I’m still getting used
to it. She cut it a little shorter than I
wanted. Oh well, it grows back, right?
I also got my “mother’s day” ring in the mail
yesterday. I LOVE it!!!
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