

Weird Question

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Do dogs act out just like children when they don’t get what they want?

This morning I noticed the corner of the pillow was chewed up. I initially blamed the cat since it was such a small hole and she likes to chew on the edge of things. It irked me but I blew it off and went to take a shower. After I got out of the shower I opened the bedroom door and let the dogs come in and hang with me while I got ready (like I do every morning). I was in the bathroom doing my routine and looked into the bedroom to find this:

What a naughty dog! At first I couldn’t’ tell what it was but then I realized it was Winston’s bed and he is totally excited and chewing it to shreds. He hasn’t done this in a long, long time. We were even thinking that he has outgrown all of this bad behavior and were going to wean him off his kennel (he goes in his kennel while we are at work and at night). Guess not yet.

After walking out to the kitchen for breakfast I found an even bigger mess of fluff:

So, why do I ask if he is acting out? Well, he went to the vet on Monday for his rash and they told us that he is overweight. So, we have to start feeding him only 3 cups of food a day. I’m pretty sure we were feeding him twice that amount. So the poor little guy thinks he is starving. Another reason why I think he is acting out is because he has to be on antibiotics for three weeks. He gets two pills in the morning and two at night. We have tried everything to make him eat his pills w/out spitting them out. We’ve put them in his food, put peanut butter on them, bread, sandwich meat, etc. He eats the good stuff and then spits the pills back out. So I literally have to open his mouth and cram them down his throat until he is gagging and then hold his mouth shut until he swallows. So anyways, I think he is mad at us for withholding his food and shoving pills down his throat and that’s why he is acting out. This naughty stage better end quickly!