9:55 AM Posted In books , Colplay , Hunger Games , Matched , Mylo Xyloto Edit This 1 Comment »I’ve gone back to reading books finally. After major wedding planning went into effect I didn’t really have time to read (basically all summer). Most of my reading I do on my lunch hour at work and my lunches were overtaken by the wedding. I either was searching for ideas for the wedding on my lunch or making calls to venders, etc. Even if I didn’t have any specific wedding stuff to do that day I was still on the internet doing wedding crap due to the fact that I couldn’t think about anything else (and I must say that I’m so glad I’m done with it). So, back to the topic at hand. I started my reading kick off with the Hunger Games. I loved, loved, loved the first book! I couldn’t stop reading it. The only part I didn’t like about the book was the way it ended. Obviously it was set up for another book. Good thing I had the second book and I went straight to that one. The second book was good as well but not quite as good as the first. Then I read the third book which took me the longest to get through. I liked it but it was not nearly as good as the first or second. I don’t want to give anything away so I won’t go into it. All I have to say is: I love Peeta! :) They decided to make the Hunger Games into a movie as well and the first movie comes out in March of 2012. :)Now that I’m done with the Hunger Games I’m on to my next book. My friend, Loin borrowed me her book that she loved, Matched. I’m going to start reading that today. Apparently this one is a series as well. The second book comes out Nov. 1st. :) I’m pretty sure I’ll like this book as well.
Speaking of new arrivals – Coldplay, Mylo Xyloto comes out October 24th!! I’m so stinking excited for this CD. I can’t wait to hear when they are coming to Minneapolis for a concert. I’m definitely going! And maybe their Milwaukee and Chicago concerts as well. ;) ;) That’s how much I love Coldplay!
See, this is another reason why I love fall! Tons of good books, CDs and new seasons of my favorite shows come out! :)
Let me know what you think of Matched! :)
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