

Should I or shouldn't I, that is the question.

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There have been a lot of things boggling my mind lately. Lots of them are small things, some are very large things. Let’s start off with just the small things in life.

Should I start drinking coffee again in the morning? I quit drinking caffeine back in the beginning of January. I used to drink about 1 large coffee mug size coffee every morning and at least one pop per day. I gave it all up cold turkey because I wanted to be healthier. It was an exhausting 2 weeks but after that I felt better. Another reason I wanted to give up coffee and pop was because of what it is doing to my teeth. I put a lot of sugary creamer in my coffee and that is not good for teeth. It has been 6, going on 7 months without a cup of coffee and I still miss it very much. Maybe I could start drinking coffee again and just not drink pop still. That’s a good compromise right?

I read that if you eat fruit for three days and nothing but fruit it cleanses your body. I’ve been thinking about doing this. I’m guessing I’ll be spending extra time on the toilet because of this but who cares! I’ll probably loose some weight in the process too! Has anyone tried the 3 day fruit binge?

Should I spend a few bucks and get myself a nice pedicure? I think I deserve it! I’ve had a pretty rough month and a treat would be nice. Who would like to go with me?!

(By the way, I just took a small break while writing this to run over to Holiday gas station to grab a cup of cappuccino… oops! Just talking about it made my mouth water. I had to give in to the temptation.)

Do I cut my hair or leave it long and let it continue to grow? It has been annoying me like crazy lately! I want it cut and cut short. Shoulder length or less. I want to have my hair long when I get married but who knows when the hell that will be.

While we are on the topic of hair, should I continue to dye my hair a darker brunette or should I just let it grow out and go back to my natural color (whatever that is)? I think my natural color is a dirty blond/light brunette. I hate the hassle/money of dyeing my hair but I think it looks better darker.

Should I go and get my tattoo now? I know what I want and I just need a tattoo artist to draw it up. The only thing holding me back is the cost. I don’t know how much it will be but I’m guessing around $250. I was going to get it or my birthday but that isn’t until the end of October. By then it will be cold and I won’t be able to show it off since it will be on my ankle/foot. (PS- I just had a dream last night that I was getting a tattoo and I fell in love with my tattoo artist. Weird.)

Should Phil and I go on a small vacation or not? I would like to get away (obviously, who wouldn’t!) however, I’m trying to save every penny I can for a down payment on a house. So basically, if we went on vacation it would cost at least $300 each which is a lot of money I could be putting into my savings for the house. Technically I have the money to go on vacation and it wouldn’t put me that far back but it would put me back a little and we are looking to get a house by November which is coming up pretty soon here. Plus, if I get my tattoo that will cost as much as a small vacation! So I guess I need to pick between tattoo, small vacation or none.

Should I try to get Phil on board with getting our future Winston (Golden Retriever) within the next few months or do I wait until we get a house? I want this dog so badly! I should probably wait until I get a house since this is a big dog to have in a 1,000 sq ft duplex BUT we could, just maybe be moving in 4 months to a house. Then Winston would only live in our duplex while he is a puppy! But what if we don’t get a house and we end up signing on for one more year at the duplex? Plus Winston will cost roughly $250. Tough one… So I guess it’s between the tattoo, a small vacation, Winston or none! Jeezelaweeze!

Now for one of my big dilemmas and the only one I will share with you. Do I buy a house just to buy a house or do I wait for the right one to come along, even if it means loosing out on the $8,000 from the government? That is a hell of a lot of money to loose out on. I don’t want just any house. I want a unique house where I can see Phil and me in the future with babies and acres and privacy. Right now Phil and I are debating on just buying a house in town because we could find one for much much cheaper and only spend $100 or $200 more a month than our rent. This would obviously be just a “starter home” and we would move out in a couple years. We would do this hoping that the economy is better and hoping to gain a profit. So do we buy a home in town just because they are so much cheaper and save up some money for a house in the country and get that a few years down the road? Or do we just wait until the right one comes along in the country and hope that it doesn’t cost too much? It sure is stressing me out not knowing where I will be in 4 months.

Anyways, I just felt the need to get my random thoughts out there. If you have any opinions, please tell.


Sarah said...

Wow girl, that's quite a lot of questions!
The fruit thing- I think it does cleanse you but I don't know if it's in only 3 days. I tried that liquid diet thing & I won't do that again because it made me feel really tired and weak.(& hungry!)
I think you should get the tattoo when it's still warm out since you'll be able to still wear flip flops.
Yes, I think you deserve a pedicure!
I think your hair looks good just the way it is.
I really don't know what to say about the other decisions because they're so big and you'll know what to do :)

Jessie said...

a. fruit diets would be horrible and since you have to work... the whole toilet thing wouldn't be good
b. tatoo sooner rather then later although if you waited until your birthday, the summer would still come and you would be able to show it off
c. i like your hair dark, you know this. i have always said it.
d.i think that getting winston would be just fine, he would be small while you were in the apartment. have him pee on rented carpet rather then your own. plus then you would be more motivated to walk with me!