

Just a Few Tidbits

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1.   I’m crabby.  There’s a blizzard going on outside and I’m sick and tired of driving in this shit.  Not only did I have to drive in it but when I got to work I took a major digger in the parking lot at work.  I am not typically a clumsy person but now my hip hurts.  At least no one witnessed this digger.  I felt like an idiot.   

2.  I received an email at the end of last week from Netflix graciously letting me know that season 8 of Weeds was now on instant.  Yay!!!  So what did I do this weekend may you ask?  I watched the entire season.  I had to – it was the last season.  I was not exactly happy with the way then ended it BUT what can you expect from a drug dealing mother of 3?  I’m surprised a show about selling pot went on for 101 episodes.  But I’ll miss it.   

3.  Weird tidbit… My hands are so dry that they feel like they are drying out from the inside out.  It's an odd feeling and I'm not fond of it.  And it’s not the outside of my hands.  It’s my fingers and palms.  They are super cracked and almost wrinkly – like I was in the bath too long.  And they hurt.  I’ve been lotioning up a million times a day and it seems to be helping with the pain but I’m starting to get worried.  Hopefully they don’t get worse.  I’m sure it’s from washing my pump 7 times a day.  Dish soap must be harsh on your skin!  

 4.  I weighed myself this morning and I am only 1 pound away from my pre-pregnancy weight!  1 pound!  Whoot whoot!!!!!  I know I’ve said this before but breastfeeding is the BEST weight loss program there is!