

Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god!

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So we have been getting nothing but bad news lately and life just keeps getting harder and more stressful. But finally we got some good news! It is not actually the really good news we had hoped for but it’s still good. I got an email from the realtor for the seller for our house we are trying to buy and she said that she had spoken with the attorney for the 1st mortgage. The attorney for the 1st mortgage said that she thinks this is going to take several months longer. So that is the bad news. The good news is that Brian, the seller, said he would like to rent the house to us so we aren’t homeless when our lease is up. I know, I know, we are taking a big risk by doing this because there is no 100% guarantee that we will be able to buy the house. But we have thought it through and want to rent until they can settle the claims. After a nice long chat with the seller’s realtor she basically said it is ours but they have to settle these claims before we can close. She said the bank was ready to accept our offer but then these mortgage and title issues came about. So anyways, basically we are going to rent the house until the claims are satisfied and then we can close. Yippy! The seller is going to give us the 1st month rent free since we have to purchase a refrigerator and I think Phil is going to ask his mom if we can borrow her lawn mower to mow the lawn until we can close. We aren’t sure what we will do about the washer and dryer yet though. Not sure if it is smart to buy them since there is a small chance we will lose the house in the end. We could probably go to a laundry mat for a little while or give some money to Phil’s mom and do our laundry there. Hmmm… Anyways, I’m quite happy with this decision and I’m super excited to move in towards the end of July! The only thing that will stop us from moving at the end of July is if the inspection comes up with something bad. We decided it would be smart to have the inspection before we move in since we would get it anyways before we close. Yay! I’m super excited! Anyone want to help us move? ;-)


Lynsie said...

Exciting!! I agree with you... you definetly should get the inspection before even renting just in case. But yah... congrats!! You only have a month and a half then!!

Sarah said...

Hopefully everything will work out right and the house will be yours soon! At least you get to rent it for now.