

Vent Day!

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Every week I get an email from which gives me info on what your baby should be doing/learning/eating/blah, blah, blah.  I usually don’t read the comments but this time I did and I wish I hadn’t.  Holy smokes, people are ignorant, rude and so full of shit.  Some people are saying that mothers who breastfeed in public are being “shameful”, some say breast milk cannot possibly provide the nutrients a baby needs, some people say formula is shit, some say their kid is crawling by 3 months and walking by 6 and that their kid is some kind of super hero.  Who the f*** cares and how can you possibly have such stupid opinions on breastfeeding or formula.  Are you a doctor?  Some freakin people are unbelievable….  I don’t understand the need to be so rude.  If your baby is happy and healthy, that’s all that matters.