

Firm your flab

10:14 AM Posted In , Edit This 3 Comments »
So I was talking to Josh and Loin about working out last night and they made me really want to try working out again. I’ve never had any success with working out. I’ve always struggled with the 5-10 lbs. that I want to lose and I’ve never been able to do it. I guess it isn’t even about losing the weight. I just want to get in shape and lose a few inches around the waist. This is going to be very difficult but I’m going to give it a try! (Again) Loin was talking about the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. It sounded kind of fun (not really but it sounded like it would work if I really put some effort in it). So I’m going to have Phil find me the DVD and start working out. Loin said she would work out with me… but technically not together since we won’t be in the same room – but we will do the DVD daily together. I think that might make it easier. I won’t be able to say - I don’t want to work out today - since I know Loin is going to do it, I have to keep up. Right Loin??!! :-)


Lynsie said...

I don't know who this Loin is... but Lynsie will do it with you. ;P

I agree it's not necessarily about the number on the scale anymore, it's about how I feel and being tone.

Yes I've done the dvd maybe a total of 12 times or so within the last two months and whew it sure makes ya sweat (like I told you).

So yes... we will "do it together" and yes we HAVE to!! Or else...

Unknown said...

Oh Loin, you're funny :)

Phil found me the DVD so we can get started! However, I'd rather start on Friday since I am going to be achy for a few days and I'd rather be achy over the weekend. Sound good?Hopefully we can both stick with it and lose some inches!! :-)

Lynsie said...

Yah I'm excited!! Tomorrow is the day. Friday first day for Level 1 Day 1. I close so I'll be waking up and working out...I'll let ya know when I'm done. :)

And it begins...