


2:17 PM Posted In , , Edit This 0 Comments »
So my lunch hour was fun today… I was out on the bluff in Hudson at the park reading my book and minding my own business like I normally do. I usually listen to the radio with the car off while I am eating lunch and then I turn my radio off after I’m done eating and then read my book. Today was just another ordinary day like always except when I went to start my car to head back to work. All I got was click, click, click, click… COOL! I was stranded up on the bluff with a dead battery. I could have knocked on a stranger’s car door and asked for help but I was too scared. So I called work and Joel came to my rescue and jumped my car. :) Thank god it started again!! So after work I have to bring my battery in to Wally World to get it checked and most likely get a new one.