

8 Adults + 6 Kids = Crazy Fun

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This summer the Monday crew decided to head to the cabin!  My friend Rachel’s parents have a cabin on a river and we went a few years with all of our dogs before we all had kids and then we stopped going once the kids started coming.  This year we decided to all go with the kiddos, no dogs allowed.  :)  Personally, I think this was easier with the kids than the dogs, especially now that we have three dogs.  Oh how life has changed…  I love it!

A few years ago - before kids:

 This year:

Woot Woot!

8:52 AM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »

Guess what…………  I’m 100% done pumping!  Hip-hip hooray!  Hip-hip hooray!  I can’t even explain to you how good this feels.  No more waking up and pumping.  No more being tied down.  My boobs finally belong to ME again!  Yay!  I just had to share my happiness with you.  :)

Pump, pump, pump it up!

9:11 AM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »

I’m very excited to announce that I am no longer pumping at work!  Yay me!!!  Only those who were pumping full time working moms would really understand how exciting that is.  Pumping is a job itself so I’m so excited to finally be done during the day.  I finally have a full lunch hour!  I still pump once in the morning when I wake up and once before I go to bed.  I’m waiting for Remy to for sure sleep through the night before I give it up completely.  Most nights he sleeps through the night but sometimes he will wake up around 4-5 a.m. and be hungry (like last night).  Pretty soon I’m going to cut him off and no longer offer the boob at that time, even if he wakes up and wants it.  But I’ll give him one more month.  If he's going most nights without it, he doesn't need it anymore.  I’ve got at least 1-2 more months of milk in the freezer so he will probably be on breastmilk until about a year, even if I quit pumping now.  Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll see a blog when I’m 100% done pumping.  Maybe I’ll even throw a party?!  ;)