

14 Weeks!

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I'm 14 weeks today and Baby K is now the size of a nectarine. Not too much to report on this week. I'm finally to my second trimester. They call it the "feel good" trimester. I must say I've been feeling pretty good lately! I feel like I'm finally getting more energy. On Saturday I spent almost the entire day cleaning and organizing. I didn't really want to clean of course and I would have rather been lazy but I actually found energy to get off my butt and do something productive! I've have so many things to get done around the house so I'm glad my energy is finally coming back!

This week, if we're having a boy, the prostate is forming, and if we're having a girl, her ovaries are moving down into her pelvis. The roof of his tiny mouth is fully formed now and his constant sucking reflexes are helping to create full, cherubic cheeks. I can't wait to squeeze his little cheeks!