12 Weeks!
10:12 AM Posted In 12 weeks Edit This 0 Comments »
Today I'm 12 weeks! This is the week I've been waiting for ever since I found out I was pregnant. For some reason finally being 12 weeks makes me feel a whole lot better. My little bean has come a long way in the last week! He went from being the size of a fig to a lime. Lots of exciting things are happening this week for him. His muscles start to bulk up at this stage and he's getting busy stretching and kicking. When I put my hand on my belly, he will likely wiggle in response because his reflexes are starting to develop -- though it's too early to feel his movements. He'll also start to open and close his fingers, curl his toes, and jerk and kick his arms and legs.
I've still been feeling better with the morning sickness. It still comes and goes but not very much. I'm still exhausted and don't expect that to go away anytime soon. I caught a nasty cold this week. It started on Monday, the day we flew home from Arizona. Friday was the worst day. Being pregnant and having a cold is the worst. You can't take any meds unless you go to the doc and get something he will approve. I slept for only about 3 hours Thursday night because I couldn't breath through my nose and my throat was on fire and I didn't find relief until Friday night when I decided to try the netti pot. The netti pot was a last resort because it grosses me out but let me tell you it was sure worth it. Within a day my nose was practically clear just from using the netti pot twice. It's a good thing cough drops are okay too because I've gone through more than a bag of those life savors. I toughed it out though and I'm finally starting to feel better. :)
I've still been feeling better with the morning sickness. It still comes and goes but not very much. I'm still exhausted and don't expect that to go away anytime soon. I caught a nasty cold this week. It started on Monday, the day we flew home from Arizona. Friday was the worst day. Being pregnant and having a cold is the worst. You can't take any meds unless you go to the doc and get something he will approve. I slept for only about 3 hours Thursday night because I couldn't breath through my nose and my throat was on fire and I didn't find relief until Friday night when I decided to try the netti pot. The netti pot was a last resort because it grosses me out but let me tell you it was sure worth it. Within a day my nose was practically clear just from using the netti pot twice. It's a good thing cough drops are okay too because I've gone through more than a bag of those life savors. I toughed it out though and I'm finally starting to feel better. :)
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