

To dye or not to dye

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I’m not sure what to do here people so I need your thoughts. I’ve been going back and forth with whether I want to keep dying my hair darker every 3 months or try to grow it out and go all natural. I’ve been dying my hair since I was about 16 years old (maybe even younger) and I haven’t seen my natural color since then. So, I don’t really know what I’d look like with my natural color. I know it’s a dark dirty blonde or a very light brunette – aka a very boring color. Over the years I’ve been dying it a darker brunette. I love when it’s dark but it’s such a hassle to keep dying it every 3 months and it’s very expensive. I've tried dying it at home to save money and it never turns out good so I will not waste my money there. So, what should I do? Save money and grow it out (even though you can see the grow lines) or keep dying it the color I love and just fork over the money? I need to decide soon because I’m in desperate need of a haircut. Help me!


Caitlin said...

You are going to be a new mommy soon, it would be so much easier to go your all natural color. If I were to give any bit of advice to you, it would be to not forget about yourself a midst the unconditional amazing love you will feel for your baby. My opinion? Fork out the cash and feel good about the way you look.