

15 Weeks!

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There is much more to report this week! Today I'm 15 weeks along, however, baby has been measuring at 15 weeks for 3 days now. Baby K is the size of an apple or orange (depending on your source). I had my 14 week appointment earlier this week and I asked the doc why I'm so large so soon. He agreed that I seem a little large for 14 weeks and decided to do an ultrasound to make sure there was only one little bean in there. I was quite excited to be getting an ultrasound that same day because I've been wondering about twins for a few weeks now and I was very excited to see the baby for the first time. Looks like there is just one little bean in there though!! That's a load off Phil's shoulders I'm sure. ;) Baby is healthy and his heartbeat was 154. I can't believe we will find out the sex in only 5 more weeks! This week facial expressions are baby's newest trick. He can frown, squint, grimace and wince!

Things to note this month: 1. I’ve been listening to country music again – hard core. I used to listen to country music when I was a kid and I like to hear it from time to time but now that’s all I want to listen to. The only time I listen to something different on the radio now is when I’m listening to the Dave Ryan in the Morning Show. That’s it. I think this baby is making me miss my old country roots. I miss the farm days. 2. Supper time hasn’t been going too well. Nothing sounds good for supper. Maybe that’s because there is no food in the house and what limited choices I do have, are all gross. 3. Certain “people” are really starting to drive me up the wall. I’m sure my hormones aren’t helping me because I’m close to a major blow up and that wouldn’t be a good idea. 4. I could go for ice cream at any time of the day. I can’t get enough. I must be lacking in calcium. ;) 5. I've been getting nasty headaches constantly and I don't like taking anything for them. So, most of the time I just deal with it. 5. The urge to pee seems to be getting worse, not better like it's supposed to be. The last few nights I've been getting up 5 times to pee!! 5 times a night is crazy!! Ugh!