

Weekend stuff

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This last weekend was both great and horrible. It started off great with a dress fitting. The dress is even better than I remember. Maybe I just thought it was better because it actually fit me instead of being 2 sizes too big. Either way, I love it. She just needs to add the buttons so I can bustle it and then finish a few minor things and then I get to pick it up! But then I need to find a dry cleaner… Now that I’m quite nervous about. I don’t even want to think about that yet.

Saturday I want shopping with my gal pals. It was quite nice to hang out with just us girls – no boys or kids. I feel like we haven’t done that in a long ass time. I found a few things, like my bachelorette dress or the one I’ll wear to Loin’s bachelorette party and I found a dress to wear to my bridal shower. Two more checks off my list! After I got home from shopping I relaxed for a tiny bit and then Phil and I went to Bart’s (Rachel’s hubby) family reunion/pig roast. It was nice to see them both. I don’t remember the last time I saw Bart… it might have been at their wedding, which was a few years ago!

Sunday was when it got horrible. I woke up and decided to keep my mind occupied since I knew it would be an emotional day so I cleaned the house from top to bottom. By noon, I was exhausted. I felt like I was on an emotional rollercoaster all day. One minute I’m sad, then I’m crabby, then I’m angry, then back to sad. So, I didn’t go with Phil to his mom’s house to visit with the family. I just couldn’t be social. This was my second father’s day without my dad. You would think it would get easier with time but it doesn’t. I get sad and miss him any day but dates like father’s day and his birthday are very difficult. There are things I still can’t do and things that I find I’m finally ready to do. One thing I can’t do is delete his phone number from my phone. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to do that. I also can’t visit his gravesite or walk over to the bins where he fell. But something I found I was ready to do was to drive a way home from New Richmond that I thought I’d never be able to do again. I’m sure you think that is weird… But the last time I talked to my dad – the night before the accident – I called him on my way home from New Richmond. I talked to him the whole way home. There are many different ways you can take from New Richmond to Baldwin. However, my favorite way, the way I used to go, I couldn’t take anymore because it hurt too much. However, last week, after a year and a half, I took that route. It was difficult but nice at the same time. It gave me a little bit of time to cry, laugh, remember and miss him. Sometimes I feel like I’m a zombie because I don’t like to feel. I choose to ignore things that will make me get emotional and feel and I go out of my way to make sure that it doesn’t happen. I don’t want to be like that. I guess I’m writing this blog for myself. It sometimes feels good to get my feelings out – even when I’m not really talking to anyone.