

Busy bee

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Yesterday I picked up my wedding dress! I’m so excited to finally have it and it fits! However, I’m not as excited for the next step… dry cleaning. I’m scared to death of the dry cleaner ruining it! The dress has a lot of detail so I’m sure it will be on the more expensive side to dry clean which means that there is more of a chance for them to ruin it. Ugh… but, I gotta do it since it was a sample dress and who knows how many women tried that very same dress on before me.

Rachel emailed me and said that the invites are all done and I should have them in the mail by Thursday! I’m so excited to see them in person!! All I’ve seen are the proofs on the computer, which does not show what they really look like since they are all screen printed. Rachel is very talented so I’m sure they are perfect! I can’t wait to have the invites all out in the mail. That will be a big load off my shoulders. I’m trying to get our website and registry all finished before they go out as well so it will be nice to have all that done…

This weekend is going to be very busy. Friday I only work a half day and then I’m getting my hair done at a new salon. I hate having to find a new person to cut and dye my hair. Hopefully I like this new lady. When I get home I’m going to work on the wedding invitations and hopefully get them all in the mail. Then on Friday night Phil and I are having a date night and we are going to see Transformers Dark of the Moon in 3D!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so EXCITED!!! Transformers is my favorite movie – no joke. The movie comes out today and I’d love to go see it tonight, however, there is nobody to let Winston out and we can’t leave him locked up for 13 hours… not fair. So, I can wait until Friday I guess. Only because I love my dog…

Saturday a bunch of friends and I are getting together and we are going tubing down the Apple River! I’m pretty excited. This will probably be the last year we go for a while since I’m hoping to be knocked up next summer. So we will float down the river, get a good buzz in the middle of the day and then have a BBQ afterwards.

Sunday I don’t have anything planned exactly but Phil and I need to work on our yard and probably should work on the garden at the farm. So Sunday will be no fun but what are you gonna do…

Monday is the 4th of July and the office is closed! Yippy!! We don’t have any set plans nailed down yet but I’m sure we will do something with friends.

Tuesday I asked off work so I could have an extra day to get shit done. Phil and I plan to go to Menards and figure out our deck and maybe order everything. Then we are going to head to Woodbury and pick out his ring and hopefully the guy’s suits. There was something else we were supposed to do but now I can’t stinkin remember… I should probably write this stuff down. Anyways, busy weekend but it will be fun and we should get a lot done. :-)