

Tis the Season

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I remember when Christmas time used to be so easy and so much fun. Our family would always go to church on Christmas Eve and then go home, eat a nice dinner and then open our presents (except for our stockings). When we were still gullible my mom would always rush to put the presents under the tree and put half eaten cookies on the counter while we were waiting for her in the truck with dad ready to go to church. When we got home from church my dad would tell us to look at the roof really close and we could see the reindeer tracks. Of course we believed him and I have a foggy memory of getting so excited because I thought I saw the reindeer tracks on the roof! Man I was gullible. Christmas morning we would wake up really early and dig into our stockings (one of my favorite parts of Christmas) and then lay around in our PJs until it was time to go.

We would always have one Christmas with my dad’s side of the family at my grandma and grandpa’s house (which was almost directly across the road from our house). My grandma made the best meals and treats!! Oh how I miss those dinners! I am the only girl on that side of the family. My aunt has 4 boys and my uncle has 1 boy and then it is me and my 2 brothers. But when I was a kid I was a tomboy so I fit right in!

We also had Christmas with my mom’s side of the family at my Aunt Laura’s house in Stillwater. It’s funny because every time we drove to Stillwater we would pass Andersons and my dad would always tell us about the time he worked there. We had heard the story a million times but he would still tell us every time we drove past there. Christmas with my mom’s side of the family was always one of my favorite times of the year. Again, I was the only girl in the family but I fit in with the boys just fine. We were really close with my cousins on my mom’s side so we always had a ton of fun together.

Now that we are grown things have changed immensely. First, my grandma passed away so Christmas with my dad’s side of the family was never the same. Then my parents got divorced and I felt like I had to choose who to go see on Christmas. Since my mom lived a few hours away it was hard to do both. By that time Phil and I had been together for a few years and I started going to his family events as well. Then my dad died and that changed my whole view on Christmas. This will be my third Christmas without my dad and I still don’t want to put up the Christmas tree. I still do it every year in the hopes that I get into the Christmas spirit but all I want to do is take down the tree. I don’t even turn the Christmas lights on anymore. At least I have very fond memories of what Christmas used to be about - family. Maybe when Phil and I have kids of our own I will be more inclined to get back into the Christmas spirit for them.