

Random Topic Day

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Last night I was sitting on the couch watching Bones (trying to catch up on the episodes I’ve missed) and I see a hole on the corner of the couch and the corner is soaked with slobber. It’s only about the size of a quarter but it’s a hole with stuffing about to come out. I was just pissed. This is the second hole in our couch in the last week and Winston is on my shit list. We got these couches about 5 years ago but they are still really nice couches and I don’t want any more holes. So from now on Winston is no longer trusted outside his kennel without anybody home or even if we aren’t in the room. He goes in his kennel when we are sleeping, when I’m showering and getting ready for work, when we are downstairs (since he isn’t allowed downstairs) or when we aren’t home. Hopefully he will learn his lesson darn fast. I’m so sick and tired of him being a puppy. I can take the holes in the yard from his digging. I can take the stuffing all over the house from when he rips apart his dog bed or a toy. I can take him getting into the toilet and garbages. What I can’t take is him ripping apart our couch. I love that dog but he is sure testing my patience.

Next topic. I’d love to get Vader fully potty trained. When I’m home he knows he needs to pee outside and he is a good boy and always lets me know that he wants out. When I’m not home it’s a different story. Apparently he can’t hold his bladder the 8 hours a day nobody is home – or he just doesn’t care. He also goes on the carpet sometimes at night. I know that the best way to fix this is to crate train him while we aren’t home and while we sleep but Phil says he won’t allow it. Things will need to change! I’m sick of cleaning up the house when I get home every day. Ugh, I’m so sick and tired of cleaning up after 4 animals!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next topic. Black Friday is this weekend. I’m more excited for Black Friday than I am for Thanksgiving. I’ve been more excited for BF over Thanksgiving for the last few years. Thanksgiving is no longer the same. I don’t really want to go into my reasons because it is just depressing and who wants to get depressed during the holidays. BF will be different this year. All the stores are opening up at midnight instead of 5 or 6 a.m. This kind of sucks but we are still going to do it! We (Jewells, Loin and I) are starting at midnight and will go until about 7-7:30 a.m. We are going to be dead tired by morning! I’m the lucky one I guess because I can go home and take a nap. Jewells has to go home to a baby and Loin has to work. But it will be worth it. Hopefully we will get some good stuff at good prices! I’m sure I’ll blog about it at a later date and let you know what kind of goods I find.

Next topic. I’ve been sick for a week now. Started out with a horrible sore throat and a pounding headache and now I’ve got a runny nose and keep getting stuffed up. Not fair. I’ve been sick more in the last 2 years then in the last 10 years put together! I was even sick 2 ½ months ago with bronchitis and now I’ve got a stupid cold?! WTF my body hates me. My body has also decided to be a jerk and instead of my periods lasting 6-7 days like they did on birth control, they now last 9-10 days. Too much information, I know but I just had to say it because it sucks.

Next topic. My brother shot a deer a sent me a picture of him with the deer. The picture is the exact replica of a picture I have of my dad taken a few years ago. They are both holding the deer’s head up in the box of the truck with the same shit grin on their face and the same unshaven face. The only difference in the pictures are that Justen’s hair is blonde and my dad’s was black and Justen doesn’t have a beer gut like my dad did. Other than that, he is his father’s son through and through. I wish I had the pictures to show you how exactly the same they are. Breaks my heart.