

This and that

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First of all, I have to say that the antibiotics that I’m currently on for my cough/bronchitis is tearing my stomach to shreds. I’m not kidding. As I’m sitting here typing this I can literally hear my stomach turning and I bet I could see it moving if I pulled my shirt up. It’s not happy. I heard eating yogurt helps so I’m trying to get some of that down – not my favorite food. But I’d rather force yogurt down then run down to the bathroom every 5 minutes. Anyways… enough about my digestive system and on to the next subject.

Two of my best friends got married last weekend. Their wedding was gorgeous and went perfectly and I couldn’t be happier for them! I’m so glad their wedding was first. :-) It actually made me less stressed out about mine. Things will go just fine even though they seem like they won’t! There are only 3 weeks and one day left until I’ll be Mrs. Kasinskas. There is really not a whole lot left to be done. Only a ton of small things but nothing big remaining. I just started bugging people who haven’t given me their rsvp card back yet. So far we have 121 yeses, 24 no’s and 49 who haven’t rsvp’d yet. So, I guess we invited more people than I thought. I think tomorrow Phil and I will head to the courthouse and apply for our marriage license. :-)


Lynsie said...

Yah 20 days left til your big day!! I'm soo excited for you guys!! I'm glad that us "going first" can help ease some of your stress. Now get better all ready so you can feel the best for your big day!!! :)