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So this weekend Phil, Jimmy P. and I went car shopping. Before even getting to any car dealerships I already had my heart set on a Honda Pilot but I went into it being open to other options. The first place we went was Walser Honda because they had 15-20 Pilots. I had a limited choice since I was picky on the color. I didn’t want any of that gray, white, silver bullshit. The last two cars I bought were silver and white and I didn’t want some ugly boring car. Plus, I figured that if I was going to pay as much as I was, I was going to get a color I liked. So the only options I had left were black and dark purple. When we got to the dealership it was pouring rain. I found one out of all the Pilots that seemed to fit what I want and my budget the best. Then we went for a test drive. I was pretty nervous about test driving any vehicle. For one thing, it was pouring rain. Second, I was in the cities and I hate driving in the cities and not knowing where I am going. Three, I had to drive with some stranger in my backseat. And four, I was test driving a vehicle that was twice as big as my little Civic. Even with the rain, the city driving, the “truck” and the weird guy, I knew instantly that this was the car for me. I loved driving it! I thought it would be difficult since it is humongous compared to my civic but it felt so good and it was so much fun to drive! After test driving the Pilot we headed over to a few other dealerships. We went to Toyota next, then Mazda & Nissan. I was disappointed in the Toyota dealership because I was seriously considering a Toyota as well. But, they didn’t have anything even worth test-driving. So, we headed back to the Honda dealership and asked them to bring the Pilot in the garage - out of the pouring rain so we could have a better look at it. The three of us spent a while going over every bit of it to make sure there weren’t any dents, etc. After taking a good long look at it and going over everything in my head to make sure I was getting a good enough deal, I decided to purchase. I couldn’t be happier with it! All I can think about now is driving it. I’m quite excited that I purchased it just in time for the 100 mile garage sale this weekend! I can fit all my friends AND small furniture and other treasures we find in my new Pilot. :)