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The last few days have been a whirlwind… Tuesday Phil stayed home from work so he could take his mom to the doctor for an MRI but instead he got a call in the morning that she needed to go to the hospital asap because her leg went numb and hurt really bad. She got to the Baldwin Hospital and they decided to bring her to Regions right away. I went home from work and picked up Phil and we went to Regions. After a very long day of worrying, stress, one procedure and one surgery everything was fixed. She had a blood clot in both legs but they got her all fixed up. So Phil and I were at the hospital all day Tuesday and Wednesday and then I had to be home by 5:00 on Wednesday because my mom was coming to visit. I have to admit I was quite nervous to see her. I haven’t seen my mom since my dad’s funeral and I haven’t seen my sister since months before that. So, almost a year and a half since I saw my mom and probably almost two since I saw Jackylynn. Jackylynn has gotten soooo big!!! She is no longer shy and she loves to play with the puppies. She has quite the imagination. My brother Justen and his girlfriend Ashley also came over with my mom and sister and we just sat and had dinner and chatted. I promise to post a few pictures soon. The last few days have been very stressful. Only 4 ½ months until Phil and I get a much-needed vacation! Which means only 4 ½ months until we are married! Wowza!


Lynsie said...

Glad everything worked out and Rita's ok. And that everything went ok with your mom.