Warning: Spoilers
8:18 AM Posted In Bones , Desperate Housewives , Dexter , Grey's Anatomy , Lost Edit This 1 Comment »
I am forewarning you that I might spoil some season finales for you so if you haven’t seen them don’t read this! I really didn’t realize it until last night but I have watched 5 season finales in less than a week. This year television was very disappointing because in my opinion most season finales sucked.
The first season finale I watched was Desperate Housewives. This one wasn’t very good. It wasn’t horrible but there was no “wow factor”. It was just plain boring…
Next season finale was Dexter. Dexter wasn’t bad, it was just stupid. Why did they need to kill Rita off? I just don’t understand what they are going to do with that. What will happen to the kids? A single dad serial killer? Just stupid. I’m sure they will ship the kids off to their grandparents and he will be on his own again.
Bones was the next and again, just plain boring. I had high hopes for Bones because it is probably my favorite show. Both Bones and Booth decide to take a year off and go in separate directions? Stupid! Just kiss and love each other for god’s sake!
Next, Grey’s Anatomy. Grey’s had the best season finale I have seen in a long time. I was seriously sitting on the edge of my seat. There was a nut job running around the hospital shooting people. They did a great job.
And then there was Lost. Oh Lost… you have been going downhill for probably the last 3 seasons. I must say that the season finale was good BUT there was still a lot left unexplained and it left a lot up to your own interpretation. They were talking about it on the KDWB this morning and I thought their interpretation was way off. My interpretation is that the plane crash actually happened and as the show went along people died. Eventually they all died and they all met in their “heaven”. Okay, that really doesn’t make sense… it’s hard to explain.
My conclusion to all except Grey’s (and Lost since it is over) – you can do better, try harder next year.
The first season finale I watched was Desperate Housewives. This one wasn’t very good. It wasn’t horrible but there was no “wow factor”. It was just plain boring…
Next season finale was Dexter. Dexter wasn’t bad, it was just stupid. Why did they need to kill Rita off? I just don’t understand what they are going to do with that. What will happen to the kids? A single dad serial killer? Just stupid. I’m sure they will ship the kids off to their grandparents and he will be on his own again.
Bones was the next and again, just plain boring. I had high hopes for Bones because it is probably my favorite show. Both Bones and Booth decide to take a year off and go in separate directions? Stupid! Just kiss and love each other for god’s sake!
Next, Grey’s Anatomy. Grey’s had the best season finale I have seen in a long time. I was seriously sitting on the edge of my seat. There was a nut job running around the hospital shooting people. They did a great job.
And then there was Lost. Oh Lost… you have been going downhill for probably the last 3 seasons. I must say that the season finale was good BUT there was still a lot left unexplained and it left a lot up to your own interpretation. They were talking about it on the KDWB this morning and I thought their interpretation was way off. My interpretation is that the plane crash actually happened and as the show went along people died. Eventually they all died and they all met in their “heaven”. Okay, that really doesn’t make sense… it’s hard to explain.
My conclusion to all except Grey’s (and Lost since it is over) – you can do better, try harder next year.
8:09 AM Posted In dad Edit This 0 Comments »
I had a very long weekend and not in a good way. Saturday I got up and started cleaning. Our place was a mess and needed to be cleaned. That wasn’t so bad though. It makes me feel better to have a clean house. When it’s dirty I feel stressed out. Anyways, so I cleaned the house all morning and then got ready to go over to the farm. Saturday we had the “memorial” for my dad. First we went over to his grave. It was much harder than I thought. I figured that I could handle it since it has been almost 6 months but it wasn’t easy. Now it just seems so… final. We buried some of his ashes in the gas tank of a Harley. He would be happy about that. The rest of his ashes we took up in a plane and spread over his field. There were many things that I’m not happy with. Actually, I’m quite pissed off about. I don’t remember the gravestone saying anything about him being a great son, father or friend. Maybe I’m wrong but the only thing I saw was a good husband. I can’t even describe how upset/pissed/irate I am at the whole situation. We are supposed to celebrate his whole entire life – not just the last 2 years. And the most important people in his life have no say in the matter. Fuckin stupid.
Anyways… later on I met up with some friends at Syttenia Mia (Woodville days). Basically, the only thing to do is drink beer. So we had a few at the beer tent. It was a good time. I just wish I hadn’t been so exhausted from the horrible day.
Sunday I woke up and could not get off the couch. I didn’t feel good and I was exhausted. It couldn’t have been a hangover since I never was drunk (just buzzed) and I got enough sleep the night before. Poor Phil. I was depressed and crabby all day. Oh well, what are you going to do.
Anyways… later on I met up with some friends at Syttenia Mia (Woodville days). Basically, the only thing to do is drink beer. So we had a few at the beer tent. It was a good time. I just wish I hadn’t been so exhausted from the horrible day.
Sunday I woke up and could not get off the couch. I didn’t feel good and I was exhausted. It couldn’t have been a hangover since I never was drunk (just buzzed) and I got enough sleep the night before. Poor Phil. I was depressed and crabby all day. Oh well, what are you going to do.
Things that I would like to punch in the face
7:42 AM Edit This 1 Comment »
Thanks to a friend of mine I now have a new awesome blog to read. It is: http://thingsiwanttopunchintheface.blogspot.com/
This blog got me inspired to write one of my own: Things I’d Like to Punch in the Face. Here it is!
1. People who are successful/powerful that think they can treat people that are below them like crap. Kiss my ass.
2. People who leave their dog tied up outside all day, all by themselves. If you are going to make the commitment to have a dog – then love the dog and play with the dog! If that is too difficult than give the dog to someone who will take care of him properly.
3. People who call the office and get pissed when I ask for their last name. Hello! You are not the only client in the world named Anna! FYI- I know who you are now and I just ask for your last name to piss you off!! Suck it!
4. People who return a call to the office and say to the receptionist, “yeah, um you just called me?” Um, no I didn’t. There are 18 people who work here that could have called you. Listen to your voicemail first and maybe then you will know who to ask for when you call back.
5. When you ask somebody a yes or no question and they decide to go into a 5 minute spiel about it. I now cringe when I have to ask you a simple question. It’s ridiculous.
6. Rosie O’Donnell. Chris Daughtry. Enough said – I would like to punch you in the face.
7. People who are always late. I know some of you are my friends but it drives me nuts. 5 minutes isn’t so bad – but anything much later than that pisses me off.
8. Getting the blame for something you didn’t do. And if you say that it wasn’t you, you look like a tattletale or a complainer.
9. Fake people. You know the ones who act all nice and friendly to your face but then talk crap about you when you leave and/or screw you over because they only care about themselves. You know who you are.
10. People who drive slow in the left lane. I know this is on everyone’s shit list but come on! If it pisses everyone off then why do you do it? It also pisses me off that you don’t know how to use cruise control! If you don’t have it then you should try to learn how to go a steady speed please.
Go Away
8:10 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
From the first day you walked into my life I knew you were bad news. You have done nothing but make my life a living hell. Hate is a strong word, but I hate you. If you were to disappear, nobody would miss you. In fact, hundreds of people would throw a party that would last for months. Please do us a favor and go away!
11:03 AM Posted In house , lease Edit This 0 Comments »
It’s official. We must move out of our duplex by July 31st. SCARY! Since we are not sure if we got the house or not yet this is a big gamble. We only had 2 options though. We either had to sign up for another lease with them or give them a 70 day notice. I’m not about to sign another lease! If for some reason this house falls through we will not be homeless, we do have somewhere to live. Phil’s mom was nice enough to offer her house to crash at (for a very short time – if necessary). We of course are hoping that we get this house and close sometime in June. A few days ago the bank asked me for another approval letter from my lender that states what loan amount we were going to get and that says that we were approved for that. So, that is another step in the right direction. Why would the bank ask for that information if they weren’t going to accept our offer? This is getting so frustrating! I just need to know if this is going to work out or not. I already feel like this place is our “home”. The place we are living now does not feel like home. Since the day we moved in 2 ½ years ago it felt like just a place we were crashing at – temporary. I can’t wait to move into a home! Please let this work out!!!