

A little about me and my life

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Finally I bring some photos to my blog! I will probably talk about these people and dogs a lot so here are some pictures so you can see who I'm talking about!

My dad and I at Christmas last year (obviously, there is a christmas tree behind us).
This is my mom, my sister, and I. My mom lives about 3 and a half hours away so I don't get to see her as much as I'd like. :(
My boyfriend and I at my friend's wedding (I was a bridesmaid).
Here is my dog Precious. She is in need of a haircut desperately!
This is Vader (NOT as in Darth Vader!!!) He is Precious' baby. There were two puppies in the litter but Fiona didn't make it out alive. :(
This is my kitty Isabelle (she likes to hang out in bags, boxes, or whatever is there). She is living at her Grandmothers (my boyfriend's mom) at the moment because she likes to go outside a lot and we only live in a Duplex at the moment. My boyfriend's mom lives out in the country so she can roam around all she wants. But, Phil (the boyfriend) and I are going to be buying a house out in the country someday soon so we will have her back!
These are the best friends in the whole world! I consider them to be my family. We made a promise that we wouldn't loose touch after high school and we haven't! We try to hang out every Monday night. We typically just hang out at each other's houses and when we have money, we like to go out and do stuff. From right to left we have: Jewells, Rachel, Josh and myself!
This is us being us! We are a funny group!I love these girls!


Rachel said...

I Love you too!!