11:13 AM
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Dear Winston:
I would appreciate it if you would let me sleep in until at least 6:15 a.m. during the week and until at least 7:30 a.m. on the weekends. Waking me up at 5:45 on the dot every morning makes your mother very crabby. I don’t feel like I’m asking for much. I don’t mind getting up a ½ hour early to play with you each morning but an hour… come on. If you’re a good boy then maybe I’ll take you for a walk/jog in the morning once it gets nice outside. :)
10:40 AM
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wisdom teeth
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Friday I had my wisdom teeth pulled. I only had the top two so thank god for that. Apparently the top two heal much faster. I opted for them to put me to sleep because I was terrified. They gave me laughing gas and then put me to sleep. When I woke up I didn’t even realize that they were done. It took no time at all, probably only 30-45 mins. I was pretty wobbly on my feet and remembered being kinda silly so I probably looked drunk. I felt drunk. After the appointment Phil and I were off to Walmart – in New Richmond because Phil didn’t want to go to Hudson – to get my pain meds, etc. We got the meds and then were on a mission for a chocolate shake. First stop was Mc Donalds and of course their shake machine was down. WTF! Next stop – Burger King – and they don’t have shakes. Seriously!!!! Then we drove all the way to Baldwin where I finally got my chocolate shake! It was so good and totally worth the drive! For anyone considering getting their wisdom teeth pulled – I suggest a shake from Mc D’s afterwards. :)